Cross Milestone Requirements

  1. Our focused theme is about food and cooking. Our color pallet is friendly as well
  2. Our site serves anyone who is interested in finding recipies in unique and user friendly ways
  3. We achieve this by checking against validators and correcting if errors
  4. We make at least two api calls to 1. find recipes by ingredients and then 2. find recipe info by id (that we got from previous call)
  5. We do not use any frontend frameworks
  6. We currently are not using anything from a design framework

Milestone 2 Requirements

  1. Yes, our repo is this
  2. Yes, we're going to publish through github pages at the link. ADD LINK ADDRESS HERE
  3. This page is the report.html where we define everything. It has a link to it from our index.html homepage. We use an ordered list as well
  4. We do this in our CSS files. They should all have 3 sizes. A small, medium, and a large screen size
  5. We do contain 5 different pages. They are listed with their meaningful purpose
    1. index.html - our homepage / landing page / about page
    2. mypantry.html - where you can setup and add ingredients to your pantry
    3. saved_recipes.html - the recipes you've saved from previous searches
    4. recipe_results.html - the page that contains results of a search
    5. search_by_ingredients.html - the page that allows you to search by selecting specific ingredients
  6. Our header is our logo which is also a link to the homepage
  7. We include navigation links through our navbar which is how you navigate the website. it is present on every page (besides this one)
  8. Images that will stay include the proper alt text. Most images are placeholder since their actual content relies on an result of the API
  9. Each page will be checked against a validator and fixed until there is no warnings
  10. We're actually using 3 different fonts. We have our main one, a backup, and then a fallback again
  11. We include at least one form is the way of the search bars to find recipes by ingredients and previously saved recipes
  12. The links to external sites are in the form of the recipe results. The recipes themselves take you to an external site. we just find them
  13. The api we're going to use is the spoonacular one. This lets us search recipes that include ingredients to and get an ID, which we can then use in turn to get additional information about the recipe.

Milestone 3 Requirements

  1. We use multiple media queries. One example in partiular is we make our recipe cards change layout on smaller screens.
  2. We did not use bootstrap. We used custom CSS and selected our own colors and styles
  3. We use local storage in two places. One to store what the user put in their pantry, and two is saving favorite recipes.
  4. Our forms all have the appropriate labels, etc. We use various elements, one such example is text inputs for search bars. We also use event handlers when appropriate
  5. We do not use bootstrap, but we do follow best web practices.
  6. We use blobs to export a users favorited recipes, so they can share it with their friends and family.
  7. We provide ways for users to clear their data. You can reset your pantry, and you can also remove previously saved recipes
  8. Everything passed through the validator as well.
  9. We make two network requests. The first one uses the list of desired ingredients to get possible recipes, then the second one takes those potential recipes and performs another request to get data about them. this data includes links to the actual website, images, etc. Therefore it uses data from the first call.


For now, there are many placeholders and temporary things, this is primarily due to our reliance on the API for the content. We can't fill out everything since our true content is going to come from the calls themselves

Our design has also changed from our initial design document due to api limitations, practicaily, as well as some things just not being as useful as initially thought.